Some of our favorite links...
Most of the links here reference Redemption related websites, however, there are several other links that we thought would be helpful. Enjoy!

Remember... Redemption is a gift.... not a click...
Redemption Websites
Three Lions Gaming
A great site by Doug Gray, who is also a redemption card artist and Cactus employee! This website contains images, game rules information, Christian reviews on a variety of secular board and card games and a host of other stuff. It also has a great single card selling page and exclusive offers on Redemption posters, stickers, and much more! Click on the link and check it out NOW!
Covenant Games
A MN-based site by Chris Bany, with a downloadable price list for single cards, MN newsletters & archives, and some interesting "museum pieces" including playtesting cards and original humorous card ideas.
Got Redemption
This is a hot Redemption CCG site sponsored by the kickenest Redemption Club in Bangor, Maine: The Bangor Rescue Squad. Kickenest? Yeah, they seriously kick Evil Characters and rescue Lost Souls by the dozens! Check it out!
Official Redemption EZ Board
Great tool for getting the most up-to-date information available about Redemption. Register for your free on-line access codename and chat with other Redemption players across the US.
More Cool Sites to Explore!
Cactus Game Design
Cactus Game Design is the home of Redemption, the most played, most collected Christian Card Collecting Game on the market!
Omega Christian Bookstore
Omega is located in the Metro North Mall Shopping Center in Kansas City Missouri. It is a true source of light in a time that so desparately needs it. They boldly proclaim God's truth each and every day in a very public arena and are reaching the lost one soul at a time through their books, Bibles and a wide assortment of Christian gifts. Omega is also partnering with Redemption Central and will be hosting several redemption tournaments this year in the mall and in various churches around the city. Visit Omega's website for more information.
Acquire the Fire
Acquire the Fire is a youth convention held in 34 cities across North America. It is a two-day event and a catalyst for change in youth groups, schools, and communities by challenging teens everywhere to engage in a life-long pursuit of God. If you really want to know what God is doing in the lives of young people today, you won’t want to miss this event.
Christian Gaming
Great site for updates on the latest Christian Game Technology! Lot's of FREE stuff too!
Christian Apologetics
- The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry is an organization that provides well documented information on non-Christian cults. It tackles the New Age Movement, Evolution, Atheism, and many more subjects. With a Dictionary of Theology, a Section on Tough Questions, and actual dialogues with non-Christians, CARM is a useful and practical site.
- The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry provides information on Christianity, the Bible, Cults, Theology, Atheism, Evolution, and much more. It is well documented, very easy to navigate, and growing.
- This comprehensive website offers a Christian defense for just about any assault on the faith.
Christian Concert Authority
Exciting news and updates about Christian artists and concert schedules.
Bible Gateway
The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading and researching scripture online -- all in the language or translation of your choice! It provides advanced searching capabilities, which allow readers to find and compare particular passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference.
The Source - For Youth Ministry
Tired of web sites that advertise FREE YOUTH MINISTRY RESOURCES, but once you click on the page, you discover only two free samples but a hundred things you can buy! Well, at THE SOURCE we provide you with quality stuff you need each week . . . and it's absolutely FREE. No membership, no special code, no hidden costs, just free youth ministry resources you can use.
Teen Mania is committed to partnering with the local church by providing events, camps, and mission trips that facilitate life-changing encounters, leadership training for teens, and resources for parents and church leaders.